6 1.2014

Russian and Chinese market offer huge possibilities

In October we participated in three trade fairs: on the largest domestic professional event, International Engineering Fair in Brno, where UNEX presented itself on an accompanying event JobFair, two other events took us east, to Russia to Saint Petersbug and Moscow and then further east, to Chinese Beijing. In all cases the visit met the expectations.

The Job Opportunities Fair JobFair MSV 2013 was a chance to present UNEX to potential employees among students and graduates in the first place. Because it was only a one-day event, more than 7,500 visitors visited the pavilion A2 of the Brno Exhibition Center, many of which stopped at UNEX exhibition. We thank all, who sought information from us, or inspiration for future employment, and we believe, that we will meet some of them ad colleagues in Uničov, Olomouc or in Snina.

The exhibition Russian Industrialist in Sankt Petersburg was visited by 472 companies from 11 countries, UNEX exhibition was part of a Czech delegation of seven members, under the auspices of CzechTrade agency. Russia and other so-called post-soviet countries were in the past important customers of Uničov production and participation in the trade show can, therefore, be considered as a start of UNEX's come-back to the huge Russian-speaking market. UNEX delegation, during the trip to Russia, visited Moscow as well, where a local business office will be opened in the spring of 2014. In this context it should be mentioned, that it will be almost exactly a year after opening Company's American representation in Denver.

Approximately tenths of thousands of visitors found their way to the 15th annual exhibition "China International Mining Exhibition". UNEX exhibition was part of the official presence of Czech Republic, organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Our goal was to map the competition on the largest market of the world and also to strengthen our contacts with customers, we already have in this part of Asia. Both goals were fulfilled to our complete satisfaction.

We would like to thank all interested parties, customers and business partners we met in Beijing and Sankt Petersburg once more for their interest and we are looking forward to our cooperation. We would also like to thank CzechTrade agency and Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade for letting us take part on both events.