New X-Ray unit checks/tests more and faster

With the approval obtained from the State Office for Nuclear Safety, we have commenced the operation of a new X-ray unit designed for nondestructive checking/testing. The major benefit of the unit will consists in enhancing the use of the RT method functional features allowing, among others, to speed up the quality control of produced parts via X-raying. The Eresco 65 MF 4 unit, produced by GE Sensing&Inspection Technologies (Seifert), is the most advanced device of its kind. The device is able to X-ray materials up to 65 mm in thickness - the existing one only enabled checking/testing materials up to 40 mm thick. With the new unit, the checking/testing exposure times will be shorter thus speeding up the overall checking/testing process.

The device will predominantly be used by the foundry control worksite to cover its checking/testing needs. As the device is fully mobile, it will also be used operatively for X-raying castings, forgings and welded pieces at other worksites. The acquisition price of the device amounts to CZK 1.2 million; the investment has been realised as part of the Quality Control Enhancement project in UNEX, a.s.